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2022 Summer Research Opportunity

Oka’ is pleased to announce a Summer Research Opportunity for faculty of East Central University.

To participate in this opportunity:


1. Submit an application online at and click on the link to Research Professors. Complete and submit the application to become a Research Professor found at that location. If you have already submitted this application and are a Research Professor, skip to #3.


2. Professor will be notified by Oka’ that the application was received and the professor is now invited to apply for the Summer Research Opportunity.


3. Research Professors will submit a 1-2 page proposal* to Oka’ by March 31, 2022 for consideration by the Selection Committee. This proposal will be for faculty-initiated projects that support Oka’s Mission and will extend for an 8-week research period. Proposals must include supervision of 1-2 undergraduate research student positions, which the professor must recruit. Proposals may focus on physical, biological or social science topics that advance the Oka’ Institute goals and objectives. 


4. If the proposal is selected, the Research Professor will receive $2,000 in supplemental pay (which will include appropriate benefits) and each of the two research assistants will receive a $500 stipend.


5. Terms of agreement form must be signed by the professors whose proposals are selected. This form will outline the payment schedule and will give the deadline for the interim and final paper that must be submitted about the research. Student researchers will also submit papers about their role in the project.


The Oka’ Institute will provide supplies and equipment for selected projects. There is a budget limit of $1,000 for each proposal selected. Proposals that collaborate with other Research Professors are encouraged. Proposals will be reviewed and selected on a competitive basis.





Principal Investigator

Undergraduate Student Research Assistant

Project Description


Detailed Supply and Equipment Budget ($1,000 cap that must include shipping and handling charges)

If you have questions about this opportunity, please call the Oka' Institute at 559-5151 or email


© 2024 Oka' Institute

Oka' Water Institute at East Central University, 1100  E 14th Street, PMB J-4, Ada, OK 74820   580-559-5151

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