Thursday, January 27th, 2022 landowners from around the Arbuckle watershed area gathered to hear from experts on the benefits and importance of prescribed burns. The event was hosted by the Arbuckle Rangeland Restoration Association and the Lake of the Arbuckles Watershed Association, both valuable groups with equally valuable missions.
Programming included John Weir, Natural Resource Ecology and Management, Oklahoma State University, and Cole Fagen, Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture, and emcee Alan Peoples, Watershed Coordinator, Oka' the Water Institute at East Central University. New prescribed fire equipment was also on display for landowners to better understand the scope of the practice.
If you are a landowner interested in speaking with someone about your land management plan, check out the map below to help determine the best organization to contact for your area.
If your property is within the watershed please contact:
Alan Peoples, Oka’ Institute
Office: 580-559-5151
Cell: 405-590-2581
If your property is outside of the watershed contact:
Seth Coffey, Arbuckle Rangeland Restoration Association
Cell: 580-504-9709
Cole Fagen, Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture
Cell: 972-754-8244