The Oka’ Institute and personnel from the Water Resource Policy and Management master’s degree at East Central University traveled to Bondo, Kenya to visit the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST). The group of 14 was certified in the Third International Short Course on Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security. During this trip, ECU and JOOUST met and collaborated on plans to strengthen the partnership between the Pi Institute at JOOUST, JOOUST, the Oka’ Institute at East Central University, and the Water Resource Policy and Management Master’s Degree at East Central University. This partnership began in 2018 with the First International Short Course in Bondo, the Second International Short Course at ECU in 2019, and was continued in spring 2022 when JOOUST Vice Chancellor Dr. Stephen Agong visited ECU to deliver the Watkins Lecture. ECU and JOOUST plan to collaborate on many fronts, including writing grants for a joint research agenda involving The Oka Institute and the Global Pi Institute. A plan to share masters and Ph.D. students between the two schools is also being developed. It is anticipated that students and faculty will travel more frequently between the two schools.
The purpose of the collaboration is to provide global experience to both ECU and JOOUST students and faculty.